You can start the booking process by either filling out the “Online Request Form” below or creating a “Wishlist” by ‘Hearting’ items from the Gallery or specific Category pages. (See Gallery page for additional instructions)

We provide chairs, tables, tents, dance floors and more, for all occasions. We can accommodate both small and large events, including weddings, reunions, seminars, graduation and birthday parties, corporate events, meetings and more. Low prices with the highest quality rentals.

Let us know how we can help!


Weddings     Corporate Events     Outdoor Events     Reunion

8 ft Farm.jpg

We are now booking for 2025. To ensure your items are available for your event, please reserve as far in advance as possible.

Commonly Asked Questions & Answers:

Q: “Can we pick up and return our rental items?”

A: Unfortunately we do not offer client pickup/return due to liability risks and incorrect transport practices. *Certain exceptions may apply

Q: “How does delivery work?”

A: The delivery is very straight forward. When you book with us the delivery crew will reach out about 10 days prior to discuss more specific arrival window options. Once the crew arrives they will unload your items. It is curbside, unless our set up/breakdown services are included. Lastly, post event the crew will pick up and haul the items away. We do ask for the items to be in a relative location from where they were dropped off.

Q: “What kind of lighting options do you have?”

A: We offer a few different open air packages for outside seating and/or dance floors. These packages consist of 4-16 free standing poles about 10ft high and can be spread out over an area. We can then string lights in a pattern across the area connected to the poles. This can change the whole feel and bring light to anywhere you desire. “Open air” packages can range from $500 - $3000. We also offer custom packages for anything you need, just contact us to start planning.

Q: “How does pricing work? Do you charge by the day?”

A: We only charge for the calendar day the equipments is in use (day of event). If the equipment has to be delivered the day before due to whatever reason, and stay on site until the day after event, we only charge for the one day. Any rentals that stay on site or in use for 3 or more days will be priced for multiple days.